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Da Rocca Gin & Tonic

Our da Rocca Pink Gin and Tonic is a drink delicately blended to give you a sophisticated and uniquely crafted classic gin and tonic using original tonic water blended and infused with Eastern Cape botanicals. Available on tap, in kegs, and in bottles, to the following:

Available for your drinking pleasure in the following formats:

  • in 300ml cans
  • on tap in kegs
  • in 1L glass swingtop bottles which are refillable at our shop in PE

We have two additional flavours – Sapphire Blue and Pomegranate&Rooibos, delicious and unique!

We supply kegs of our Pink Gin&Tonic at events and functions, as well as to restaurants and pubs, so that you get to drink our G&T on tap! Have a look at our EVENTS page for more info.

5% ABV

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